See and Be Seen.


A little help never hurt anybody.

That’s why we’re always on the lookout for affordable, valuable resources for creatives of color. The resources listed below are meant to help those who want to be successful in their endeavors.

If you or someone you know has business or service that applies to the description above, we’d love to chat.


If you need help getting your career together, finding money to fund your creative endeavors, and more, take advantage of these resources!

Mentorship Programs


Get your LinkedIn and Resume together with OSPP

Tailoring your resume or LinkedIn profile to attract the job opportunities you want can be a long, arduous process. Luckily, Sophia Ottey, Founder of OS Professional Portfolios can help.

Sophia began her resume writing business 8+ years ago after noticing the lack of career development resources for modern-day “Career Enthusiast.”

Since then, Sophia has been known for her continuous involvement in educating the public and providing assistance for individuals striving to elevate their careers. Click the links below to see exactly how OSPP has helped others and how they can help you!


Level Up Your Career with Candyss Weaver


Candyss is a career coach and transition specialist on a mission to inspire and empower professionals to live intentionally and find work they enjoy. She guides her clients through the inner work (mindset, confidence, motivation, etc.) while equipping them to do the outer work (resume, LinkedIn, job search strategy, etc.)

Click here for resume, career development, and job search help!

Click here for One-on-one Coaching!

Guiding professionals of color to a better workplace, one review at a time.Follow them on LinkedIn!

Guiding professionals of color to a better workplace, one review at a time.

Follow them on LinkedIn!


Owners of Dipper

about dipper

Founded by two Black Female tech innovators, Dipper creates a digital safe-place and community for professionals of color (Black and Latinx) to share their workplace experience whether good, bad, or indifferent. 

Dipper is revolutionizing the over $8 billion companies spend on diversity and inclusion. 

Dipper is also an essential tool and partner for corporations to be the best to their employees. Dipper empowers people of color to be heard. Dipper puts accountability and solutions to work, creating a better and more inclusive workplace for all. 

people who dig this have said:

“This is a game-changer and action-based. With Dipper, organizations can no longer get away with saying they are inclusive if they are not. These reviews will paint the story. Dipper will positively shift culture.”

“I am seeking advice and insights as I try and determine a career path for myself that continually inspires and motivates me.”


Want to be added as a resource?

Tell us about your service and how it can best serve our members using the form below!