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Alex Santiago

Creative Strategist, Performing Artist, & Coach

Alex Santiago


Lakeland, Florida

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We’re the culture creators. Therefore, we belong in creative industries more than most.
— Alex Santiago

Favorite musical artists of all time?

  1. Hector Lavoe

  2. Fania All Stars

  3. Ricky Martin

  4. Metallica

  5. Coheed & Cambria

How do you keep your creative drip going? 

I stay creative via music, science and conversations with my kids, wife and friends.


If you could talk to your favorite creative for an hour, who would it be and why? 

My hour would be spent with either Tham Khai Meng or Rei Inamoto

What is the last thing you learned?

The last things I've learned are around the world of quantum physics and astrophysics. I'm obsessed with nature's systems that sustain life.


Describe your dream job. 

My dream job would be working in the music and entertainment industry developing artists and brands, while overseeing a team of creative professionals managing multiple areas of Social Mosaic Communications.

What skill(s) would you develop of you had more time?


I would like to spend more time in sound engineering and entrepreneurial leadership.

What industry blogs/websites/podcasts do you enjoy?

I do my best to stay well rounded. I start with NPR One (great collection of podcasts) to focus on news, culture and local happenings. Google News is more about headlines around technology and entertainment. The Verge on YouTube is great and MKBHD is the King of tech and YouTube video making. I don't do influencers too much, but I follow heavy hitters in D&I on social, as well as organizations like the 4A's, MAIP, ADCOLOR, etc.


What do you think the future holds for people of color in creative industries? 

My honest response—not easy. There are entirely too many systems built and stacked against us. The desire to enter our markets isn't match with the investment in empathy and legitimate interest in our communities. With that said, we're the culture creators. Therefore, we belong in creative industries more than most. In the words of Killer Mike, "We should be 15 percent of Wall Street. We should be 15 percent of music execs 15% of Hollywood execs. 15% of governors, 15 percent of mayors [...]"

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

My advice to a younger self would be: "Keep trusting your gut and fuck people's empty perceptions."

What advice would you give to creatives of color looking to pursue their passion full-time?

My advice to them is "fuck empty perceptions, lead with empathy, feed your creativity, show up empty and create with purpose."